Do you want souls to hear the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ?

Are you willing to go where they are to proclaim Christ and minister to them?

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Mobilizing, Equipping & Discipling teams of evangelist!

Sports Fan Outreach International's primary goal is for the salvation of fans at major sporting events, as well as the development of faithful and fruitful evangelists.

SFOI also provides opportunities and support for evangelists to grow in their work which leads to more souls hearing the Gospel in more places, more often.

  • Do You Want To Reach Lost People By Passing Out Gospel Tracts, Evangelizing One-To-One Or Open Air Preaching?

  • Would You Like To Have Resources Available To You That Would Equip You To Go And Share The Gospel?

  • Would you like to learn to preach the gospel in the open air?

  • Would You Like To Connect With Other Like-Minded Believers In Your Region And From Around The World?

  • Would You Like To Know What Sporting Events SFOI Will Be At?




Sports Fan Outreach International participates in the Great Commission by mobilizing, equipping and discipling teams of preachers and evangelists to proclaim Christ (Phil. 1:18) to sports fans.


I highly recommend Sports Fan Outreach. This ministry has a burden for souls to be saved through the public proclamation of the gospel. The biblical gospel is emphasized with the glory of God being the aim of the preaching.

- Brady Brewer

place for man who want learn how share the word of God

- John Crowley

Had a great experience training with this organization in NYC. I recommend their training and programs.

- Daryl James Updike

Great organization, sending laborers into the harvest!!!

- Mike Amick

An excellent ministry to grow in your faith, fellowship with like minded Christians, and share the Gospel to the ends of the earth!

- Joshua and Rachael Richards

Great time at the Super Bowl in Miami. I highly recommend this ministry if you love share the gospel and do open air preaching.

- Jason Cantrell

I believe EVERYONE should be involved!

- Richard Robbins

Amazing ministry! Bill Adams and team are a gift from God! SBO is the premier evangelistic outreach. If you can go to something they have going on whether it be SBO or a smaller event. GO!

- Mason Goodknight

I greatly appreciate Bill Adams and the leadership of SFOI.Sports Fan Outreach is a great atmosphere for fellowship among likeminded laborers in the Gospel, to encourage and exhort one another, as all participants pray, worship, learn, grow, and labor in Christ together. 

It is a great mixture of First-Time open-air preachers, long-time seasoned open-air preachers, and everyone in between, so that we can support, edify, and teach one another, as well as learn from each other.  The Word of God and His Gospel is the focus of what SFOI stands on and declares to this fallen world, in its desperate need of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Way of Salvation! 

- Ken White

The 2020 Super Bowl Outreach was my first Super Bowl with SFOI. The Lord powerfully used the training, sharing, and preaching/sharing times in Miami. I was so impressed with the leaders of each team and what they shared with the evangelists. Jaycen Saab was an incredible leader and servant. I was so encouraged to see so many mighty men of God who the Lord has raised up as open-air preachers around the country. I learned so much from these men. I have a renewed boldness to share the Gospel with compassion and boldness. I hope to go next year. I encourage anyone interested in open-air preaching to join in on one of the events this year. I praise God for Bill Adams and his leadership team. WOW!

- Tim Hanley

God has truly blessed SFOI with the ability to gather like-minded men who are serious about proclaiming the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ.

- Tom Brewer

It is a honor to be apart of SFOI. Bill Adams leadership in this ministry is a blessing to me and others would agree. The Lord has blessed Bill with such wonderful organizational skills that these events are such a blessing to those who participate. The command to go and seek and save the lost is exactly what is done to the Glory of God at these Outreach's. The teaching, fellowship and witnessing opportunities are all done to glorify our Great God. I have been to 4 Super bowl Outreach's and Lord willing many more to come.

- Frank Rollberg

It was my first Super Bowl Outreach and it was a real privilege to share the Gospel alongside so many of my brothers and sisters in Christ wo love the Lord Jesus Christ so much. I'm already praying about attending next year's outreach. To God be the glory, great things He has done. This is an amazing opportunity to share the Gospel and I continue to pray for the work of SFOI.

- Tim Heaton

This outreach was one of a kind experience! It was a good taste of being able to work along side with SFOI to see the LORD at work! All in all, this opportunity that the Lord gave me was awesome! I hope to do it again in the future. I know that the Lord is using SFOI to bring truth to lost people, as well as bringing people to draw nigh to the LORD! 

- Tyler Jones

This organization promotes the most important information that every person needs; the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It makes a way to fulfill the great commission as commanded by our Lord Jesus to preach the Gospel to all people. The training and fellowship of the brotherhood ensure that there is not a "lone wolf" in the organization. We are all dependent upon each other and ultimately to God in all that we do. We do this all for the glory of God.

- Peter Firth

This was my first Derby, and hopefully the Lord will tarry long enough so that I get the chance to partake in this again. The most memorable event with a fan at the Derby was something very simple but yet a seed was planted. I offered a lady a tract, she took it, and I told her to give it a read, think about it, and that her life is so precious that Christ would die for her. I reiterated to her that a soul is priceless, and not to ever forget that, and that is the reason we come out to the Derby. She looked at me as though I cared about more than just getting a tract out of my hand, but that I had invested a little bit in her in an eternal sense. 

- Greg Fischer


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